Saturday, September 20, 2008

Santa's magic key

I found something like this online and I have been wanting one for awhile. Well I finally got around to making one for this Christmas. It was really simple and can be decorated in any fashion you like. This is what I came up with and I didn't spend much to make it.
Supplies: Red and white sewing thread, 1 piece of white foam as support for holder to make it more stiff, 1 piece of white and red felt, a magic key, a picture of santa, fabric paint or marker, whatever decorations you want and ribbon, small piece of card stock and printed poem.
1. Take white felt and fold in half, take piece of white foam and cut it a little smaller than folded piece of felt and stick in between.
2. Take red piece of felt and cut out small pocket to fit across bottom. Glue santa pic to front of pocket. Once dry sew all the way around the holder closing everything but the pocket.
3.Take fabric marker or paint and on the top white part of the holder write "Santa's Magic Key"
4. Let dry!
5. Take card stock and glue poem to card stock and let dry.
6. Take red felt and cut a strip to make a loop and sew it to the back of the holder so you will have something to hang it up with.
7. Take key and tie ribbon to it and then tie it to the loop you just sewed to the back of the holder.
8. Punch hole to top of poem and repeat #7.
9. Tuck key in pocket and let poem hang.

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